IPR model of counselling training

  • APA defines IPR model as a method used for understanding the processes of psychotherapy and for the training of counselors and therapists.
  • It involves videotaping or audiotaping counseling or psychotherapy sessions
  • They reexperience these tapes later and the counselor or therapist analyze them in the presence of a supervisor.
  • Supervisor questions and discusses the thoughts and feelings of the counselor or therapist and client.
  • Norman Kagan and colleagues developed the IPR model of counseling.
  • IPR model is a supervision strategy.
  • It empowers counselors to understand and also act upon perceptions to which they may otherwise not attend. 
  • The goals of IPR model are 
    • To increase counselor awareness of covert thoughts and feelings of client & self
    • To practice expressing covert thoughts and feelings in the here and now without negative consequences, and,
    • Consequently, To deepen the counselor/client relationship
  • IPR is built around the notion that counselors’ selective perceptions of surface issues block their therapeutic efforts more than any other variable.
  • IPR is based on two elements of human behavior.

Two elements of human behavior that IPR is based on are:

    1. that people need each other and 
    2. that people learn to fear each other. 
  • Kagan (1980) proposed that people can be the greatest source of joy for one another.
  • However, because a person’s earliest imprinted experiences are as a small being in a large person’s world, inexplicit feelings of fear and helplessness may persist throughout one’s life. 
  • These fears are most often unlabeled and uncommunicated. 
  • This combination of needing but fearing others results in an approach-avoidance syndrome as persons search for a “safe” psychological distance from others. As a result, people often behave diplomatically.

Kagan (1980) believed the “diplomatic” behavior of counselors is expressed in two ways: “feigning of clinical naivete” and tuning out client messages.

  • Feigning clinical naivete, most often an indicant that counselors are unwilling to become involved with clients at a certain level, occurs when counselors act as if they did not understand the meaning behind client statements.
  • Tuning out occurs most often among inexperienced counselors who are engrossed in their own thought process. He might be trying to decide what to do next. The result is that the counselor misses messages from the client, some of which may seem obvious to the supervisor. Thus, a wealth of material in counseling sessions are acknowledged by neither the client nor the counselor.
  • Interactions occur on many levels, but clients and counselors label only a limited range of these interactions (Kagan, 1980).
  • IPR helps counselors become more attuned to dynamics of the counselor/client relationship that they may be missing due to their tendency toward diplomatic behavior.

Steps in Conducting IPR.

IPR conduction is with the counselor alone, but in some instances the inquirer may meet with the counselor and his/her client. He might as well choose to meet with the client alone. Mutual recall sessions often help counselors learn to communicate with clients. For example, about the here-and-now of their interaction for future counseling sessions.

The following steps are a guideline for conducting a recall session:

  • Review the tape (audio or video) prior to the supervision session. It is not typically possible to review the entire tape during the recall session. It is important to preselect sections of tape that interpersonally weigh the most.
  • Introduce the recall session to the supervisee. Create a nonthreatening environment, emphasizing that there is more material in any counseling session than a counselor can possibly attend to.  Also that the purpose of the session is to reflect on thoughts and feelings of the client and the counselor reviewed during the session.
  • Begin playing the tape; at appropriate points, either per-son stops the tape and ask a relevant lead to influence the discovery process. If the supervisee stops the tape, he/she will speak first about thoughts or feelings that were occurring at that time in the counseling session. The supervisor facilitates the discovery process by asking relevant open-ended questions. During this period of inquiry, attend to supervisee’s nonverbal responses and process any incongruence between nonverbal and verbal responses.
  • During the recall session, do not adopt a teaching style and teach the supervisee about what they could have done differently. Rather, allow the supervisee to explore thoughts and feelings to some resolution.

The inquirer leads:

  • What do you wish you had said to him/her?
  • How do you think he/she would have reacted if you had said that?
  • What would have been the risk in saying what you wanted to say?
  • If you had the chance now, how might you tell him/her what you are thinking and feeling?
  • Were there any other thoughts going through your mind?
  • How did you want the other person to perceive you?
  • Were those feelings located physically in some part of your body?
  • Were you aware of any feelings? Does that feeling have any special meaning for you?
  • What did you want him/her to tell you?
  • What do you think he/she wanted from you?
  • Did he/she remind you of anyone in your life?


  • IPR, provides supervisees with a safe place to examine internal reactions through reexperiencing the encounter with the client in a process recall supervision session.
  • IPR also has been shown to be useful in supervisor supervisee relationships (Bernard, 1989), group supervision (Gimmestad and Greenwood, 1974), and peer supervision (Kagan, 1980).
  • Research has consistently supported the use of IPR as an effective medium for supervision.
  • For example, Kagan and Krathwohl (1967) and Kingdon (1975) found that clients of counselors being supervised with an IPR format fared better than clients of counselors supervised by other methods.
  • They demonstrated the model to be effective with experienced counselors, entry-level counselors and paraprofessionals (Bernard, 1989).
  • It is possible, however, to magnify the interpersonal dynamics between the counselor and client to the point of distortion (Bernard and Goodyear, 1992).
  • Thus, they do not recommend IPR as the sole approach to supervision. Used effectively and in conjunction with other supervision approaches.
  • IPR provides counselors with the opportunity to confront their interpersonal fears, understand complex counselor/client dynamics, and maximize the interpersonal encounter with their clients (Kagan, 1980).


American counselling association.


Dr. Balaji Niwlikar. (2022, June 10). IPR model of counselling training. Careershodh. https://www.careershodh.com/ipr-model-of-counselling-training/

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